He'll give you a Tonsil Stone along with the advice, and you can use it to get to an optional area - The Nightmare Frontier.įurther up the hill is a large building with a gate on the side. Speak to the occupant to get some cryptic advice about a chapel to the right of the Great Cathedral. Note the lantern by a little shack on the left. As you head up, you can grab some Quicksilver Bullets from the body on a ridge above the shacks. A direct hit will likely kill you, so unless you up for sprinting and hoping for the best, head back to the village entrance gate, and go right up the hill. Notice the color of the pool? It's slick with oil, and the Afflicted Townsfolk above will toss molotovs from above.
Trying to head through the town to the path on the other side ends in a large pool full of Crippled Ghouls. The first building has nothing, but the second will have a corpse holding some Beast Blood Pellets. You can also head down a small path near the center of the village (by the dead burning horse) to go behind some of the shacks. Be sure to check each building for items, and the building on the far right will have a locked gate, and a corpse carrying some Pungent Blood Cocktails. Beware the village center, as the wooden planks will break open if you try and cross, and you'll fall into a small pit full of Carrion Crows, as well as a body with some Antidotes. There's also an alcove on the left with more townsfolk (one sitting down) near a body with some Blood Vials, and two more near the center of the town, with a Wolfman on the far side. Inside the small village is a building on the right containing two townsfolk along with a body holding a Pungent Blood Cocktail. This entrance has its own booby-traps: beware the other spike log trap just before the gate into town. Head down the path here to the real entrance to the village. This leads up to an old shack with a Wolfman guarding a corpse with some Beast Blood Pellets, and beyond that, another body with Thick Coldbood. Instead, head up the hill on the left that's covered in yellow flowers. It leads to a wooden platform that will break, sending you on a one-way trip into a small village full of hostiles - with no means of escape. The next road leads down a right path, but do not take it. As you clear the area with the bonfires, be sure to loot the bodies for some Blood Vials and Twin Blood Stone Shards At the end of this section you can head down a small path on the right with a Skull Beast who will flee towards some Carrion Crows at the end of the path. Either lure the main aggressors away and charge the oil throwers, or drop down behind them from the path above. Many of them use torches and oil urns as well, making a deadly combination to get caught up in. The raised area has a patrolling Wolfman, while the lower path leads into a veritable trap of Afflicted Dogs and townsfolk, as well as a body with some Coldblood Dew. Also make sure to head left around the cliff edge behind some graves to find Twin Blood Stone Shards.Ĭontinuing on, the road angles down on the left, with a higher path on the right. Not only will it swing back and forth several times, but will eventually snap and go rolling towards the side of the bridge - so make sure you either avoid the trap or get clear once it's sprung. Notice the planks of wood in the middle of the road? They hide a pressure trap that will release a spiked log in the trees to come smashing down. Heading over the bridge to take out the townsfolk, use caution. From here you can see another large windmill in the distance - these two windmills will be your main landmarks in this dreary forest, so remember them. In addition, look for the two townsfolk across the bridge - one with a rifle. There's a few Carrion Crows hiding among the graves by the locked door, and a body with some Antidotes around the side of the building. The path on the left will head down to the large windmill (the gate is locked) and the waypoint lantern for the woods. From here, you can go right past the oil thrower up side path that leads to an Executioner guarding a small cave with some a Madman's Knowledge and an Adept Blood Gemstone. Be sure to check the corpse near them for a Pebble. While they don't do much damage - be careful not to get on fire after being hit by one. As you get close to a large windmill, you'll run into a Wolfman, and an Afflicted Townsfolk on a small hill who will start lobbing oil urns at you. After the first set of stairs, check around a tree to the right to get some Thick Coldblood.

From the entrance to the woods, take the long winding path down the hill.